A dedicated investigative reporter, Robin Fields has done what many of us advocates have wanted for a long time — exposed that which happens in many dialysis clinics.

We hope that these articles will effect change for many patients in many dialysis units. There are situations that never get publicized and, again, we can hope for change now. We ask the providers at every level, from corporate, stockholders, dialysis staff and physicians, “Is this the care you would want to receive, or have a loved one receive?” That IS the question.

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October 26, 2020 “Nearly half of dialysis technicians failing skills test, by Christina Jewett

PRESS RELEASE – March 1, 2021 (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention – CDC) Infections in ICUs Plummeting, Too many remain in Hospitals and DIALYSIS UNITS

When will providers realize the numbers of cited deficiencies, during their facility surveys (inspections) clearly show something is amiss. We have not seen any significant decline in the numbers of infection control deficiencies cited, even since the new Conditions were released two years ago.

We direct you to the following link: This link shows facilities (Davita) that were conducted the last part of 2020. These deficiencies clearly support my theory that something is lacking in the educational/training/preceptor programs in units as well as unit-level supervision. As I continue to speak with patients, even some staff, I am convinced, even more, that a full understanding of practices, consequences for not implementing correct practices coupled with lack of effective supervision is the foundational reason for these continued deficiencies and some infections.

The first part of 2020 can be found at—esrd-dialysis-facility-surveys.php

The 2020 surveys (last part of 2020) can be found at (these are not labeled as to provider unless they were given to me as such)

It is my belief, after review of these surveys, that providers MUST

(1) revisit their educational/training/preceptor programs to ensure that all staff are fully aware of correct practices and consequences for not implementing same e.g. preventable errors that can result in death

(2) develop a program whereby staff understand that the patient is the center of care and there is no room for reprisal of any kind.

(3) educate staff that when incorrect practices result in harm that their licenses and/or certifications may be on the line.